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來源:http://www.danieladamgreen.com   發(fā)布時間:2024-07-11      


In today's Internet era, short video has become one of the main ways for people to obtain information, entertainment and leisure.


However, in the face of numerous short video content on the platform, how can you make your 15 second work catch the audience's attention in the blink of an eye and achieve a significant increase in click through rates?


This article will deeply analyze the key strategies for increasing click through rates from four aspects: topic selection, shooting techniques, title cover design, and background music. Combined with practical cases, it will provide you with a detailed operation guide.


Topic selection

1. 緊跟熱點,借勢引流

1. Keep up with hot topics and leverage the opportunity to attract traffic


Hot topics are like magnets, naturally possessing strong attraction. Creators need to closely monitor social news, industry trends, online hot search rankings, etc., respond quickly, and create content related to hot topics.


For example, when a movie is popular, short videos related to it can be produced, such as film reviews, character imitation, and plot analysis, to increase exposure through popularity.


However, it should be noted that hot content updates and iterates quickly, and creators need to have keen insight and efficient execution, and grasp timeliness.

2. 深挖痛點,提供價值

2. Dig deep into pain points and provide value


Understanding and meeting the needs of the audience is the core driving force that attracts them to click and watch. Creators should conduct in-depth research on the life, work, and learning scenarios of their target audience, identify their pain points or interests, and provide practical information, skill tutorials, emotional resonance, and other content.


For example, for professionals in the workplace, short videos such as "Learn PPT Beautification Techniques in 1 Minute" and "Efficient Time Management Methods" can be created; For housewives, you can share "time-saving and labor-saving Kwai recipes", "home storage tips", etc.


Such content not only attracts clicks, but also accumulates loyal fans and enhances user stickiness.

3. 打造獨特視角,創(chuàng)新表達

3. Create a unique perspective and innovate expression


Finding unique entry points in popular topics is an effective way to avoid content homogenization and increase click through rates. Innovative perspectives can be approached from the following aspects:


Reverse thinking: questioning or reversing common views, such as "Why is going to bed early and getting up early not suitable for everyone


Deep interpretation: Conduct in-depth analysis of surface phenomena and reveal their underlying logic, such as the marketing psychology behind popular food products on the internet.


Cross disciplinary integration: Cleverly combining seemingly unrelated things to produce novel effects, such as "How yoga movements can be applied to office sitting for relaxation".


Shooting Techniques

1. 鏡頭語言:構建視覺敘事

1. Camera language: constructing visual narrative


Proficient use of various camera languages, such as close-up, medium shot, panoramic, and motion shots such as push, pull, and shake, can enrich the visual hierarchy and enhance the visual impact. Especially within 15 seconds, appropriate camera switching can efficiently convey information, allowing the audience to have a rich visual experience in a short period of time.


Key information close-up: Close ups of important details, expressions, and items to highlight key information and deepen the audience's impression.


Spatial relationship display: By using medium and panoramic shots to depict the environment and character relationships, a complete narrative space is constructed.


Camera motion guidance: Using motion shots such as pushing, pulling, shaking, and moving to guide the audience's gaze and enhance visual focus.

2. 構圖美學:提升畫面質感

2. Composition Aesthetics: Enhancing the Texture of the Picture


Following the principles of composition such as the "three part method" and "golden ratio", the layout of the picture is balanced and harmonious, enhancing visual aesthetics.


At the same time, pay attention to color matching, use contrasting colors, similar colors, etc. to create visual focus and guide the audience's gaze.


In addition, the use of light is also crucial, as natural light, artificial light, or a combination of both can create different atmospheres for short videos.

3. 故事敘述:短小精悍的敘事藝術

3. Storytelling: a concise and powerful narrative art


Although only 15 seconds long, short videos can still tell a complete or captivating story fragment. By setting elements such as conflicts, twists, and climaxes, it triggers emotional resonance among the audience and enhances the attractiveness of the content.


For example, a simple short video with the theme of "doing good every day" can present the protagonist's process of discovering difficulties, deciding to help others, and successfully solving problems within 15 seconds, forming a micro narrative arc.


Title Cover

1. 標題創(chuàng)作:精準傳達,引發(fā)好奇

1. Title creation: Accurate communication, arousing curiosity


The title is the "slogan" of a short video, which needs to accurately convey the core content of the video while stimulating the audience's curiosity or thirst for knowledge. Here are some effective title writing strategies:


The interrogative sentence structure: "Do you really know how to brush your teeth correctly?" arouses the audience's curiosity.


Amazing statement: 'Incredible! This fruit can whiten teeth!' Create a sense of surprise.


List of numbers: "5 steps to make steak comparable to Michelin chefs!" Quantify information to increase persuasiveness.


Keyword embedding: Contains popular keywords such as "weight loss", "financial management", "parenting", which are beneficial for platform recommendations and attract target users.

2. 封面設計:視覺錘,一擊必中

2. Cover design: Visual hammer, hit with one blow


The cover image is the first visual impression of a short video, which needs to be clear, of high quality, and intuitively reflect the theme of the video. The following principles can be referenced during design:


Content extraction: Select the most representative and visually impactful image as the cover to visually display the video content.


Combining text and images: adding textual explanations or icon elements to supplement information and make the cover more informative and guiding.


Brand consistency: Keeping the cover style consistent with the overall tone of the account is beneficial for shaping brand recognition.



background music

1. 音樂風格匹配:營造適宜氛圍

1. Music style matching: creating a suitable atmosphere


The background music should be highly compatible with the content and style of the short video, creating a specific emotional atmosphere together. For example:


Easy and humorous: Paired with light and humorous music, such as jazz and pop genres, to add fun.


Knowledge sharing: Choose music with a smooth rhythm and elegant melody, such as classical and new century music, to create a focused learning atmosphere.


Emotional stories: accompanied by sentimental or heartwarming music, such as piano pieces and folk songs, to resonate with the audience.

2. 節(jié)奏把控:視聽同步,強化效果

2. Rhythm control: audio-visual synchronization, enhancing the effect


The rhythm of music should be closely coordinated with the rhythm of video editing, with the climax appearing synchronously with key scenes, creating a dual visual and auditory impact. At the same time, pay attention to adjusting the music volume so that it can enhance the atmosphere without masking the voice content, and maintain good auditory balance.

3. 音樂選擇策略:熱門與原創(chuàng)并舉

3. Music selection strategy: combining popular and original music


Popular music: Utilize popular songs and internet hits to resonate widely, enhance the familiarity and familiarity of the video, and attract clicks. However, it is important to pay attention to copyright issues and use the non copyrighted music library provided by the platform.


Original or customized music: When conditions permit, creating or customizing exclusive music can create a unique brand sound and enhance recognition.


Original music can also be used to create a unified style for a series of videos, enhancing audience memory.

